Brain Vomit #33 By design
Everything is working exactly how it’s intended to. The rich get richer mostly because of self reinforcing systems designed to keep rich people making money, for all of them their money will make them more money. Poor people don’t have money, and they need it more than everyone else and when they get some extra money instead of using it as a tool to break the cycle they will splurge it on something with short term benefits. That's an easy one to figure out. And for a lot of those getting screwed by the system the answer is: Yes, the system is designed to work against you. What most of them don’t hear is that you can remove yourself from the system and learn how it works. It’s very hard, but it is very possible. I am not financially rich. I have immense amounts of love for my life, my loved ones and what I do. I am a healthy man and I live in the best city in the world. I’m financially stable though not financially wealthy... yet. I was poor when I didn't have all those things. I am not a poor man anymore, I’m quite the opposite, I am a very rich man.
Factories are designed to produce as much as they can; the goods they produce are designed to be as profitable as they can be; the advertising is designed to make you believe you need this good. And by design of our culture, education system, mindset we have been designed to feel the need to buy these commodities. It feels good, I know. But this behaviour is not natural and it has been planted in our beliefs by design. It won’t go away in a generation or two, maybe even one hundred generations. But it has to change. Not a revolution, but a slight shift. Our world is full of garbage we once thought was necessary. We have to design a behavior where the wellbeing of the whole system is prioritized. Or at least designed so most people can selfinduge in selfish behaviour with the least impact possible.
Everyone is a genius but most people are dumb, and that’s by design. And if you are really dumb the following will make you feel like a punching bag but… It’s easy to get fat; it’s easy to become to become addicted to pills, to alcohol, hard drugs, etc., it’s easy to get into debt, It’s easy become poor, It’s easy to fall for clever advertisement, It’s easy to feel like you are missing out, it’s easy to believe that a secret is being kept away from you, it’s easy to believe in conspiracy theories, it’s easy to get scammed, it's easy to think its someone elses fault, it's easy to not be accountable for your own actions, it’s easy to get upset, it’s easy to create a fake need, it's easy to build bad habbits, it’s easy to be dumb. That's the default setting. The system is working exactly how it is designed to work. Now it’s up to you if you want to keep your default settings set by your schools, your churches, the media you consume, your environment, your family and your friends. The choice is yours, follow the status quo, keep eveything working exactly the way it's supposed to or you can challenge it and create the opportunity to design a better future. Build on top of what you already know and fix the bugs in it. Do Not replace it with a different system designed to make you follow a new set of beliefs, that's how conspiracy theorists and cults are created. But Build on top of the values that you have been given and be more than what you were designed to be. We all have the opportunity to leave our ordinary past to become extraordinary people. We can design a new future where we can make everything extraordinary.